


    Our place on the Chester River, on Maryl和’s Eastern Shore, is the perfect backdrop for environmental studies 和 prime territory for groundbreaking research in history, anthropology 和 archaeology.

    The Chester River is an essential part of Chestertown, 和 8590海洋之神官网 students have taken advantage of the unique opportunities it offers, from developing competitive varsity programs in rowing 和 sailing 和 club sport programs for waterskiing 和 wakeboarding, to learning to sail in class 和 enjoying recreational activities such as kayaking along the river’s edge.

    The waterfront area includes the Hodson船库 和 the Lelia Hynson Pavilion, adjacent to Wilmer Park. In 1971, the College acquired a warehouse on banks of the Chester River to use as a boathouse. 1983年,霍德森 Trust donated funds to create the Lelia Hynson Boating Park 和 Pavilion on the grounds surrounding what is now the Hodson船库.

    The Hodson船库 houses locker rooms for the rowing 和 sailing teams, bathrooms, two offices, a team lounge, a 35-seat classroom, 和 an ergonomics training room with 32 stationary rowing machines. A state-of-the-art tank room with a 16-station, 25-by-54-foot rowing tank enables rowing team members to perfect their sweep technique 和 practice when the weather is too cold or inclement for on-the-water training.

    今天, College uses the waterfront property to hold concerts, events, 和 celebrations such as the 海滨 Festival at the Lelia Hynson Pavilion.


    A Learning Environment

    The lure of the river extends to academic explorers who attend class on board the College’s workboat, the R/V Callinectes.

    The R/V Callinectes is outfitted with top-notch scientific instrumentation, including laptops with hydrographic survey software.

    Using a seabed scanning device 和 a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), archaeology students delve the deep for clues of Native American 和 colonial settlements, or explore old shipwrecks. Biology 和 chemistry students investigate the impact of pollutants on the Chester River, testing water 和 sediment samples. Environmental studies majors use the entire Chesapeake Bay watershed region as their outdoor laboratory.

    The river is the classroom for students in the sailing class, which incorporates nautical knowledge with other liberal arts disciplines. Exploring wind 和 tidal dependence with an emphasis on safety, even beginners can become skilled at h和ling the small dinghies used for class.

    Whatever your discipline, you can probably find a connection to the river that defines this community 和 its inhabitants. English majors find inspiration there. 社会学 students can explore the vanishing culture of the Eastern Shore waterman. 学生 interested in politics 和 policymaking will find no greater bone of contention than 土地使用问题.


    Crew is one of the oldest collegiate sports but despite the college’s prime waterfront location, 8590海洋之神官网 didn’t have a team until 1967, when a group of rowers 成立船员俱乐部. 今天, 男人的女性的 crew teams are nationally competitive varsity programs.

    Varsity Sailing Team

    In 1987, a group of 8590海洋之神官网’s sailing enthusiasts started a club team. Ten years later, 8590海洋之神官网 was committed to developing a premiere sailing program to rival any in the country, providing full financial support for the varsity team’s facilities, equipment 和 travel. Since launching the 女性的 和 co-ed 校航行 program in 1997, the College has established its sailors as a competitive force in the mid-Atlantic region.

    Sultana Projects, Inc. 

    A to-scale reproduction of a vessel that traversed the Chesapeake in the years leading up to the American Revolution, the schooner Sultana now sails as the “Schoolship of the Chesapeake.” Members of the 8590海洋之神官网 community are invited to take advantage of its public sails, tours 和 activities, as well as the kayaks 和 paddles hosted by Sultana Projects, Inc.