满足社会 of Junior 研究员

在利比 & Douglass 满足社会 of Junior 研究员 is the College’s flagship academic enrichment program.

A Companionship of Learning 

“The Society rewards creativity, initiative, and intellectual curiosity with competitive grants to support self-directed undergraduate research and scholarship anywhere in 世界. The intent is to bring together the best and brightest in what founder Douglass Cater called ‘a companionship of learning.’”

-Dr. 亚伦Lampman, Curator of the Libby & Douglass 满足社会

With a  recommended grade point average of 3.6 or better, membership in the Cater Society is offered to students who achieve distinction among the school’s top scholars. At Society meetings—open to the entire student body and to faculty and staff—Junior 研究员 who have completed their independent projects funded by the Society give short presentations about their experiences. The 满足社会 of Junior 研究员 also sponsors several social events throughout the year.

Junior 研究员 grants are highly competitive. To receive project funding, applicants are expected to prepare well-crafted proposals for consideration by the Junior 研究员 Advisory Council, comprising the Provost and Dean of the College, the Vice President and Dean of Student Affairs, the Chairs of the three Divisions (or their designates), the Curator, and the Student President and Vice President of the Society.

For more information, e-mail Curator Dr. 亚伦Lampman.

Oh, the Places They Go

Cater 研究员 know no geographical or intellectual bounds. Here’s just a sampling of destinations and studies supported by the Libby & Douglass 满足社会 of Junior 研究员.


During her Cater project, “Accounting Principles Abroad: Brexit’s Impact,” Gabriella Winsky ’17 and friends recreated the Beatles’ famous Abbey Road album cover. Winsky traveled to London, Dublin, and Amsterdam.