

Thanks to a $1 million grant, WC’s Department of Business Management will create the Warehime Fund for Student Excellence in Business, allowing new opportunities for student research, entrepreneurship, professional networking, and other initiatives.


CHESTERTOWN, MD—8590海洋之神官网’s Department of Business Management will launch an ambitious new effort focused on student research and experiential opportunities 多亏了韦希姆家族基金会一百万美元的资助. 这笔资金将创造 the Warehime Fund for Student Excellence in Business, which, when fully matured, will provide the department $50,000 a year to support student research, entrepreneurship, professional networking, and other initiatives to complement the department’s curricular 产品.

“It’s extraordinary, and we are so grateful to Beth Warehime and the foundation,” says Susan Vowels, chair and associate professor of business management. “我们的目标 from this gift is to provide the opportunity for every one of our students, whether in the major or the minors we offer, to participate in at least one of these experiences.”

Warehime ’13, who majored in business management with a minor in sociology, says choosing WC’s Department of Business Management was “a no-brainer … as one of our main focuses 作为基础的是教育.”

“I’ve always valued my liberal arts education that I received from 8590海洋之神官网, 我确实认为它塑造了今天的我. 没有小班教学, allowing for a great student/professor interaction, I would not have been able to customize elements of my education that enabled me to focus on my particular interests,” 她说. “I had such an incredible experience during my four years as an undergrad, and I would love to be able to help others have that same experience.”

The Warehime Fund for Student Excellence in Business will support a variety of opportunities 包括:

  • Funding advanced research techniques in senior capstone experiences (SCEs), such as performing primary research through surveys or interviews, traveling off-campus to learn first-hand about firms or business techniques, and using analytical tools on 研究数据库; 
  • Establishing Warehime Fellows, students who will work closely with faculty mentors to produce high-quality academic research, with the aim of submitting their final 在同行评审期刊上发表的产品; 
  • Funding student participation in academic and practitioner conferences to present research, network with professionals, and increase their knowledge of the latest in 商业理论与实践; 
  • Funding student participation in case competitions, experiential-learning focused activities such as Enactus team summits and national competitions;
  • Funding of student pursuit of entrepreneurial projects outside of their SCE.

The business management major is one of the most popular at the College, with 165 students in the department in academic year 2018-2019, Vowels says. 它已经做到了 distinctive hands-on programs including the Brown Advisory Student-Managed Investment Fund Program; offers minors in accounting, finance, international business, and marketing; contributes to the interdisciplinary communication and media studies major as well as interdisciplinary minors in data analytics and information systems, as well as the minor in arts management and entrepreneurship; and annually takes about two-dozen students abroad for the summer international business experience.

In addition, post-graduate partnerships with the College of William & 玛丽梅森学校 of Business and Loyola University 马里兰 provide paths for students seeking master’s degrees in accounting, as well as the Emerging Leaders MBA provided by Loyola University 马里兰. Students who are business minors can also take advantage of a post-graduate partnership with Wake Forest University’s School of Business to pursue a master’s 管理学学位.

The grant will “help the department go to another level,” Vowels says, allowing flexible use of the money, rather than restricting funds to a single program. “创新 part of this fund is that this will evolve as the curricular needs evolve, as student interests evolve, as the business world evolves, and as external opportunities evolve.” The research opportunities in particular are “a totally new piece. 现在我们将 able to provide students with funding if they want to do something extraordinary for their senior capstone, if they want to spend time with a particular firm, or need 为他们的SCE提供一个特殊的软件包.”

Vowels says the foundation’s goals and the College’s aligned perfectly in the emphasis 关于学生体验.

“基金会的使命是影响、创新和教育. 所以他们在寻找 for innovative use of the funds they are providing to come up with substantive student 影响. Their focus is on students, and that’s where the focus is for us as well.”

For the coming year, the department is working on planning to ensure “we are good 这些钱的管理者,”Vowels说. 到2020年秋季,学生和教师应该 be able to begin taking advantage of the new opportunities that the Warehime Fund 为优秀商科学生提供机会.